Yakult launches its first aseptic food and beverage products on the Korean market, in Ecolean Air Aseptic lightweight packages. The first two launches match health-oriented products with convenient and unique packaging, elevating the Korean consumers’ experiences.
“The Ecolean package is the perfect fit for us, since it is lightweight and flexible, yet extremely durable. We have already seen a huge interest from consumers,” says Jeonghyeon Hong, marketing manager, Yakult Korea.
Yakult is a well-established global food and beverage manufacturer, and the first beverage on the Korean market for ambient distribution, marks a move into the aseptic segment with new opportunities to follow. Hyfresh ready-to-drink tea launched in Ecolean Air Aseptic 125 ml package, is developed with Pyunkang medical institute and Hyfresh ready-to-drink vegetable soup, in Ecolean Air Aseptic 200ml, is a nutritious vegetable-based creamy soup.
“This also marks Ecolean’s first launch in Korea and we are looking forward to showing consumers the benefits of our lightweight packages – being microwaveable and easy to use. Brand owners using lightweight packaging are not only reporting cost savings but also an improved environmental profile and brand image among other advantages,” says Johnny Sajland, global sales director, Ecolean. “This will be a great match, with both the Yakult products’ added-value offering and with consumer’s everyday lives.”
Yakult has high standards when partnering with packaging suppliers. “We are developing food and beverage products responding to health concerns in typical modern lives. Marking the launch of our health-oriented ready-to-drink tea, we are addressing the need for self-care. The same can be said about our launch of Hyfresh vegetable soup, bringing an end to health concerns derived from vegetable-poor diets,” says Hong. “This is so important to us, to be able to make a difference in the consumer’s everyday life and we feel that with Ecolean that promise is strengthened.”