Danone releases Oikos Pro Fuel protein caffeinated beverage


Danone North America has expanded its Oikos brand’s portfolio with the launch of new protein-packed caffeinated dairy beverages called Pro Fuel. The caffeinated and cultured dairy drink is available in four flavours: vanilla, mixed berry, peach and strawberry banana with each 10 oz bottle containing 25 gm of protein and 100 mg of caffeine.

Oikos Pro Fuel is made with non-fat milk and is high in nutrients such as potassium and calcium. As well as gluten-free, each bottle contains caffeine from coffeeberry extract.

Currently the producer of Greek yogurts that are high in protein, Oikos has now expanded its line-up to offer a product that fits both the ready-to-drink coffee beverages and energy drinks categories.

Innovation brand manager for Oikos, Ben Arbib, said, “The energy drink market is a large and growing space with consumers looking for nutritious energy sources to help them focus on their goals. Oikos Pro Fuel delivers protein to help build muscle and caffeine to help you feel alert. We’re proud to offer a great-tasting beverage with the high-quality protein and caffeine from coffeeberry extract.”

“Oikos Pro Fuel is the first product in a new portfolio, which is focused on high-protein and functional nutrition,” said James Valdes, senior brand manager for Oikos. “Within the new portfolio, we will continue to push boundaries with future innovation that reinvents the yogurt and adjacent categories.”

Oikos Pro Fuel is now on sale at Walmart for an RRP of US$ 1.98 and in grocery retailers nationwide for an RRP of US$ 2.49.

Other brands in Danone North America’s portfolio include: Activia, DanActive, Silk, Good Plants and So Delicious.


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